72 hours without compromise

International Project Criteria:

  • „action 72 hours“ is exclusively a project for young people. The projects should combine young people and the local community.

  • The projects want to create a long-lasting social resourses within local communities.

  • The projects should be challenging, but not too demanding.

  • The projects should be open to anyone, with respect of their race or faith.

  • The task has to be something „special“ and „outstanding“, the participants should be involved in a variety of different tasks during those 3 days.

  • The target of the specific task should be clear to all involved.

  • The projects must be self-contained without any further commitment at the end of the project.

  • Every project has to be self-supporting (i.e. through sponsorship).

  • The volunteers should not replace paid workers or be used as cheap labour.

  • The young people should gain experience and new skills during these projects. All the projects must have a pedagogical aspect so that the participants can learn from it and from each other.

  • There has to be one key person from the projecthost responsible for each project on-site or available during work hours. In addition, a trained person has to attend at all times in the case of the youngsters dealing with people that are in therapy, treatment or care. The two functions (responsible key person; trained person) can also be fulfilled by one person.

  • Donation projects must have a pedagogical aspect. The main focus of the project should be the debate on the topic concerned. It is also not the goal of „action 72 hours“ the young people especially aquire skills in raising money.

  • The collected money has to be raised by the participants in a creative way (a product or action that the participants have created, i.e. newspaper about the topic, charity concert, …)